Sunday, November 28, 2010

[Tegami Bachi Full-OP]

Suga Shikao - Harijmari no hi feat. Mummy-D

I think I'll be making this my music blog from now on. I have very many other blogs that are waiting to be used again! If I do it like this, organizing this for this and that for that, they'll all have a purpose!

I'll make sure to gather all these blogs into one website, so anybody who's interested doesn't have to run around like usual figuring out what blog is for which!

Stay tuned!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Nothing new to show you.

I have sad little doodles from class, but I almost never doodle in class, except in one of them = = So have old drawing.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Marthy Update

Colored a doodle I diddled on pchattle. It's Ike's mantle aaaww aaawww sob.

I'm actually really upset by how disproportionate it came out, and how I didn't notice it until I colored it.
I like this version better. Of course, it's for the ever loveable tofu!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Artistic License

This was too gay to post anywhere else.
Blogspot i missed you ;_;

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Touka Gettan Opening - Yume Oboro (Faded Dreams)

Before you see the below drawing, please look at this video.

So that you may see the source of my shameful act.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I like sports

I'm waking up more early starting Canada day!

The to DIE for Marth is, as always, drawn by The Adorable Tofu.

This is a continuation of the collab.

AND CHECK OUT OUR WONDERFUL BADMINTON MATCH. please ignore my anatomy fail with Pit. The perfect Prince Marth done by Tofu again.
A WIP I showed on FB. It's PIT from Kid icarus! Yaay kid icarus!

And these are works in progress. This is a book cover advertisement based loosely off a redonculous RP. LOLOL

There are a lot more works in progress that I have, but they're not very far along, so I won't show them just yet =) Later!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


You want English? You got English. I didn't need the practice anyways. ): LOL!! I guess I will be able to jot my ideas down more quickly I guess.

But here, have a preview of something or other!

Un exercice

Read this direction -->>

Il resemble le style des mangas. :)

La pratique est la clé du succès \o/

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

I can get used to this~

L'ecoutes svp!!!
X + Zero

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Sans raison précise, j'ai une saute d'humeur maintenant. De toute facon, voici une esquisse de Prince Marth et Ike. ATTENTION: Il y a un peu de BL? LOL;; J'ai le dessiné apres j'ai fait de paintchat avec tofu.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


J'ai eu bien du mal a reactualiser mon blog souvent. =(
Ne pas releves le nom des images. MDR.

Cette semaine j'ai recommence de dessiner sur le paintchat avec mes amies, tofu, poiv et vii.

un WIP que je pense que je ne vas pas continuer.


`.` Un semaine plus et je vais finir summer class LOLOLOLOL

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trop triste

Un semaine as passe depuis le fin des Olympiques d'Hiver. Ah, c'est si tragique.

OC de mon ami. Il s'appelle Grendel (De la legende de Beowulf! MDR)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Heavy Rain

Bonjour tout le monde! ça fait une paye, n'est-ce pas? Je suis désolé, mon français est de mauvaise qualité a cette heure.

Actually it's always poor. >_>

A lot happened in February, much that I don't think I feel like talking about. Don't get me wrong, I had the time of my LIFE, what with the glorious Olympics, bonding with my dad and stuff... But it's late and I'll talk about it later XD

The above drawing is of Jayden from Heavy Rain. Not a spoiler, but you won't get it unless you've played it. He has this pair of glasses, if you've seen spoilers, that he can not only investigate crime scenes with, but change the background of the area! It projects a different scenery that he gets to see, and one of them is UNDERWATER. and I thought WTF. UNDER THE SEA and yeah. Someone broke into song and I lol'd and had to draw it LOL

going to bed ._. So late!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Pour les dames.

Ezio. "Je t'aime, mon amour"

Pour le jour de la Saint-Valentines.

J'ai un deux-semaines vacation. Yay, et je me suis bagarre |: Pas yay. Je suis en colere avec quelqu'un encore.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Vraiment, je ne sais pas le probleme... MAIS IL FAIT DAMNER MOI DX< DANG IT UUGH

If only I considered the Vancouver Film School earlier!!!! AGHDHHFGH then this would've all been avoided! WHYY LIFE! LIFE IS NO FAIR(pas vrai mais chuis triste so bear with me)!

Je debattre avec ma mere encore... UGH >___< I thought I was free of this....


Monday, February 8, 2010

Ce type de musique ne me parle pas du tout

Assassin's Creed + L4D(2)??? Je ne sais pas. Je le fait sur le paintchat.

J'ai des soucis a propos de l'ecole... Le choix est difficile. Alors, rester a l'universite de CB ou changer a l'Institute des Arts? Ca c'nest pas pour le premiere annee, mais pour plus tard... Tant pis. Je suppose que j'ai beaucoup de temps, mais....


Saturday, February 6, 2010

La vie c'est magnifique!


L'hiver je vais attender l'universite de colombie britannique. Je vais etudier le francais...



now to last through the next month and a half and life will be grand FOREVER. FOR EVER!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Une commission

Oups, j'ai manque a ma promesse que j'vais vous dire plus que l'Assassin's Creed. Oh well.

En fait, ayez une commission, que quelqu'un as m'ordee dessiner il y a longtemps... desole >_<

Il s'appelle Wilhem.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Il mio nome es Andy C:


Augh, il y avait trois jours que je suis mal a la tete :< merde alors.

A ce propos, j'ai dessinee Altair Ezio et SACKBOY EZIO du jeu ASSASSIN'S CREED C: Ezio est Italien.... plus de details, a demain. Trop fatigue. a2m1

Friday, January 15, 2010

Le sigh

Il pleut (DANS MA COEUR HON HON HON) donc je ne veux pas sortir de chez moi. = = Chuis trop paresseux. Harumph! Quand je retourne j'irai dormir tout suite. SO TIRED.

Tant pis. Comment cava, tout le monde? J'irai post quelque chose... soon. Haha